Are you looking for a commercial agent or sales partner in Germany?

The markets in almost all sectors have become increasingly processing-intensive. This means that the sales and distribution function has taken on a key role: Only a company with a strong sales and distribution model can hold its own in the German marketplace in the long term.

Commercial agent or sales employee?

The decision to choose a model for a company’s sales and distribution in Germany is normally made by taking into consideration various criteria, such as:

  • Particulars specific to an industry.
  • Cost considerations.
  • Expected efficiency of a preferred form of sales and distribution.

Many companies have already streamlined operations in production and administration in the past few years. Production and administrative costs therefore cannot be cut any further. This puts the sales and distribution channel to the test when it comes to exploiting rationalisation potential and saving costs.

One strategy of managing the gap between low costs and high efficiency is to make sales and distribution flexible and agile – by transferring sales functions in Germany to external sales partners such as commercial agents!

What are commercial agents, anyway?

Commercial agents (who operate commercial agencies) are independent companies operating in almost all German industries in B2B. As sales partners, German commercial agents broker goods between companies at all levels of the German economy: between industry and trade, between industrial companies (for example, in the supplier sector) or between wholesale and retail. They undertake nearly all sales and distribution activities in Germany for their principals.

Commercial agents and sales partners as a cost advantage

When sales and distribution activities are outsourced to commercial agents and sales partners, fixed sales costs do not apply. Commercial agents in Germany receive commission for their activity; as a rule, a fixed percentage rate of the turnover of the sold goods. You as a manufacturer do not bear further costs such as, for example, personnel or travel costs.

Commercial agents and sales partners as a performance plus

Another key benefit of working together with commercial agents and external sales partners in Germany is – aside from their core activity, brokering the sale of goods – that many offer a package of sales and distribution services:

  • Providing information and consulting services
  • Technical advisory service and development work
  • Distribution warehouse, sample rooms
  • Representation at trade fairs, shows, and exhibitions
  • Executing and monitoring special promotions
  • Rack jobbing
  • Organising and carrying out logistics services
  • Processing claims and complaints

Commercial agents and external sales partners in Germany are thus not just sales representatives, but full-service businesses! To obtain more information on the topic of outsourcing sales in Germany, kindly follow the following link:

Search for commercial agents and sales partners now. Place an offer!

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